i'm laura

My mission is to level the current advertising and marketing playing field through PR led marketing so purpose-led entities can stand toe-to-toe with industry giants.

After working with large clients including marriott and tim hortons, I founded the marketing spirit to house all of my work. little did I know what life had in store...
laura's experience
take a look at laura's linkedin profile for every last detail about her experience.
laura's media kit
we're ravamping laura's media kit! click below to get the new kit when it's ready to roll out!
He and I were life flighted to a children's hospital where they told my husband and I that they didn't know if our son would, live, die or suffer lifelong issues from a traumatic brain injury (tbi), "only time would tell." after two days waiting and learning more than we ever thought we'd know about drowning and tbi, our son woke and went on to make nothing short of a miraculous recovery! (this is where you breathe again.)
The world had shifted on its axis. We were all permanently changed after this in many ways. in some ways good, some not so good, but all of them made us stronger and more grateful people.